Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Following you Heart vs. Guarding your Heart

Because of a family tragedy, the death of my very loved nephew Jason, I did not have the opportunity to share with all the lovely girls who were at the Signature Conference in Columbus Oct. 31st-Nov. 1st. So, I thought I would do a small portion of what I would have shared through this blog.

I was going to share on "Following your Heart vs. Guarding your Heart." The Bible says in Jer. 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand?" Also, in Prov. 14:12 it says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."
So apart from God the human heart is selfish, evil and corrupt leading us to destruction, our heart is not good by itself we need God to invade it because He made it. God is the only one who can completely understand us. He understands that we are relational because He made us that way. He knows which amazing man you are to be with in a lifetime commitment of marriage but most girls get anxious and find it hard to wait. Philippians 4:6 says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything present your requests to God." Pray ladies, pray!!! What makes you anxious? Is it speculations? Does anyone like me? Does he like me? Will he call me? Does he think we have potential for the future? Is he the one? Well.......he might be, but only time will tell and it is not your job to pursue him anyway. This is nothing more than sinful anxiety. Trust God and he will unfold his plan for you in His time, remember follow God's heart not Mr. amazing's! The moment some of you meet a man, you snatch your heart out of God's hands and toss it at the new guy. How about trying this approach-you meet a man, he's reeealll cute, and you like him. Your heart wants to follow his and it's all aflutter ready to leap out of your chest. Place your hand over your heart and whisper to it, "Calm down," and put it back in its secret place. And then say this, "God, I think I really like this one. What do you know about him? Is he the one for me?" You can do this ladies, I know you can because God is the Man. I know that there are some here that have followed their heart without regard for God's and you haven't guarded your heart. You may be thinking, "I've made so many mistakes, my heart has been bruised and banged up and I'm not perfect....but Jesus thinks you're to die for!!! God will heal your heart and place it back in its secret place to be kept safe. Dance with God....He'll let the perfect Man cut in!


Pastor Dan Lund said...

Good word girlfriend. Praise God our girls are keeping themselves!
Love Ya - Dan

Pastor Dan Lund said...

Love You - Dan