Sunday, October 19, 2008


Leadership- there are so many ways to "Do leadership," but I am going to first concentrate on ways to "Be" a leader. Today was our leadership meeting for our youth and we are going to learn from the life of Paul how to "Be" a leader. We will study on how to sharpen our character qualities and spiritual gifts. I then believe that our "Doing" will be exactly what needs to be done. I want us to review what a leader is from the core of who God made us to be. Now, I do believe that there are leadership practices that are necessary and have to be done. Study, order and structure are important to God and it is vital that we implement our leadership plan and then execute it. Today the first two qualities of a leader that we examined were: being trustworthy and taking initiative. Lord, help us to be the kind of Leaders that you need us to be in this time of cooling off as Matthew 24 speaks of.

1 comment:

Jenilee said...

I want a GPS too!!! Jeremy is always finding good deals on them and he said this year is going to be a great year to get one. We'll see. money is the issue! :) Great application to the word. so true.

love ya, blogging friend!