Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It will happen next Monday

Have you ever tried to diet? I try not to use that word because the first 3 letters are DIE! So I prefer to use the words a "balanced eating plan". I always start my new "eating plan" on Monday's and I know it's only Tuesday but I've done real well so far. However, Wednesday is always the kicker, you know, like it's the 3rd day into the "plan" and you feel like you want to kick it, give up and have another brownie. Oh well their is always another Monday. Anyway, they say my weight gain is because of my medicine, but who are "they" and why would a small green pill cause this? "They" said I would peak out and this I have done in more ways than one. I'm assuming that it means I will level out and then I will be able to take off the added pounds. All this to say, I really want french fries. Bye for now!


Unknown said...

welcome to the blogosphere. I will visit regularly. Please continue to enlighten us as you give us a glimpse into your head...

DFowler said...

I love that you're blogging! I love listening to you and your stories! Best of "luck" with your new eating plan! Gary and I have recently done the same thing! It's tough, but we allow ourselves that brownie occasionally and it makes it a lot easier!